Blast it Off with Yoga


Blast it off!

Want a fat-burning workout that’s fast and blasts away your stress, too? Don’t bother Santa—this is one fabulous gift you can give yourself.

Use this flowing, yoga-with-dumbbells routine from Health’s own yoga guru Kristin McGee to build strength, double your calorie-burn, and decompress. “Concentrating on the movements gets your mind off all of the distractions around you, leaving you feeling peaceful and relaxed,” McGee explains. 

The result? A calm, fit, and incredibly gorgeous you!

Get firm fast

Hold a 2 1/2- to 8-pound weight in each hand and go through the sequence 3 times, flowing smoothly from pose to pose, for a 30-minute, full-body routine. Do it 3 times a week, and you’ll look firmer all over in as little as 3 weeks.

For a firm butt

Targets butt, hips, thighs, abs
Stand with feet together and arms by your sides, shoulders down. Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths; open them, draw in your lower abs, and begin Chair Pose squats: Inhale as you bend your knees, and push your butt back as if sitting in an imaginary chair; exhale and return to standing while squeezing your butt and thigh muscles. Do 20 reps.

For a strong chest

Targets chest, mid-back, obliques, core, thighs (inner and outer), butt, hips

Wrap your left leg over your right leg, touching your left toes to the outside of your right foot (or crossing them behind your right calf, if possible); lower into a squat for Eagle Pose. Inhale as you raise your arms out to the sides to shoulder height, and bend your elbows to 90 degrees for chest flys. (Keep your thighs squeezed and abs engaged throughout the move.)

Exhale and contract your chest muscles as you bring your bent arms together in front of you, then inhale as you contract your shoulder blades to open them back out to the sides. Do 8–10 reps, then return to standing and repeat on the other side.

For a beautiful back

Targets back, triceps, shoulders, waist, thighs, hips, butt

With arms down by your sides and palms facing in, step your left foot back, and turn it out to 45 degrees, pressing the outer edge into the floor (both hips should face forward). Bend your front knee to 90 degrees to come into Warrior 1 Pose, then hinge forward from the hips, keeping your abs engaged. Exhale as you bend your elbows to pull the weights up to hip level, squeezing your shoulder blades together for back rows; inhale as you lower the weights. Do 8–10 reps, then return to standing and repeat on the opposite side.

For shapely shoulders

Targets tops of shoulders, back, arms, inner thighs, butt

Turn your left foot in to come into a wide straddle stance. Walk your feet a little closer together, then turn both feet out to 45 degrees. Push your butt back, and lower into a sumo-type Yogi Squat (keep knees over ankles); let your hands hang down in front of your body, palms facing backward. Inhale as you straighten your legs and lift your elbows up toward the ceiling, raising the weights to shoulder height for bent-arm shoulder raises. Exhale, lowering your arms and returning to squat position. Do 12–15 reps, then rise up with your arms lowered.

For toned thighs
Targets legs, butt, shoulders, arms, abs

Turn your right foot forward, and slide your left leg back; bend your right knee (keep it over your ankle) to come into a long High Lunge Pose. Bend your elbows to bring the weights up to shoulder height, palms facing in; tighten your abs. Inhale and straighten right leg as you press the weights up toward the ceiling for an overhead shoulder press. Exhale as you bend your right leg again to come back into a lunge; at the same time, lower the weights back down to shoulder height. Do 8–10 reps, then step your left foot forward and repeat on the opposite side. After the last rep, step your right foot forward.
Targets waist, abs, butt, back, hamstrings, triceps
Take a step back with your left foot. Engage your abs, and hinge forward at the waist as you lift your left leg straight up behind you until your foot, torso, and head are all in one straight line and parallel to the floor for Warrior 3 Pose. Bend your elbows to pull the weights up to hip level, palms facing in.

Exhale; keeping your upper arms still, straighten your elbows to reach the weights straight out behind you for triceps kickbacks. Inhale as you bend your elbows to bring weights forward again. Do 8–10 reps, then return to standing with feet together; repeat on the opposite side. After the last rep, lower your right foot, and step both feet together.

For gorgeous arms

Targets biceps, triceps, legs, abs, hips

Holding both weights in your right hand, use your left hand to help lift your bent left leg and place it in Tree Pose with your left foot on the inner thigh, knee, or calf of your right leg. Transfer one weight back to your left hand, and tighten your abs. Extend your right hand toward the ceiling, then bend your elbow to bring the weight behind your head so it rests near your upper-right shoulder blade.

At the same time, slightly bend your left elbow to bring the weight alongside your thigh, palm facing up. Exhale as you extend your right arm back overhead in a triceps overhead press; at the same time, curl your left hand up to your shoulder in a biceps curl. Inhale as you return your arms to the previous position. Do 8–10 reps, then return to standing with arms down and repeat on the opposite side.
For awesome abs
Targets entire core region (especially lower abs and inner abs) and legs (particularly inner thighs)

Set weights down, sink back onto your heels, and drop your hips to one side. Swing legs in front of you and set feet on the floor, knees bent; hold one weight between your feet. Engage your abs and lift your bent legs so your lower legs are parallel to the floor; hold the other weight between your hands at chest level in Half Boat Pose. Inhale, hinge torso back, and allow thighs to lower slightly for Extended Half Boat Pose. Exhale and tighten abs to lift back up. Do 6–8 reps, rest for a moment, then do 1 more rep. Return to standing.