4 Secrets to Boost Your Energy


Snacks that rev you up

It’s 3 p.m., and you’re nodding off. What to do? Trya glass of water first, experts say, because fatigue can be a sign of dehydration. If that doesn’t work, fuel up on one of these high-energy snacks:

Oatmeal: Its fiber keeps you full until dinner.
Celery: Top it with a little peanut butter, and you’ve got a pick-me-up for pennies.
Dark chocolate: Just a couple of bites may increase blood flow to the brain

Perk up your a.m. coffee
A big splash of nonfat milk turns your morning java into a protein drink, giving you more stamina and a bone boost. Try the Starbucks Grande Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte, a 130-calorie treat with 12 grams of pro-tein and 40 percent of your daily calcium.

Ready, set, revive!

You can increase your energy level 20% just by doing a low-intensity exercise like walking, according to a recent University of Georgia study. Researchers think such light workouts stimulate your body and mind, decreasing fatigue by 65%

Get more zip with Zen

Meditation and gentle yoga do more than just relax you. Reducing stress with these simple Eastern practices is a surprisingly useful way to make you feel more alert and active, according to studies from the University of New Mexico and Ohio State.